What’s all this Mini-Moon Hullabaloo? What Astrology Says About Visiting Asteroid PT5
That’s no moon! It’s asteroid PT5 coming to visit for a few weeks! But what does that mean for astrology?
Will it affect the planetary energies?
Mini-Moon/Asteroid PT5 is Coming to Visit
You may have seen it in the news – an asteroid is going to enter Earth’s Orbit on September 29, 2024 and will hang around until November 25th.
Since it’s entering the Earth’s orbit, the fancy science people are calling it a mini-moon.
But make no mistake, this baby boy moon is only 10 meters wide, which in America is measured as 225 Big Macs.
Asteroid PT5 is about the size of a city bus.1
Being such a cute li’l guy, we will not be able to see this supposed moon with our eyeballs. Nope, not even with your telescope, unless you have an astronomy observatory in your backyard. Booooooo.
If you’re a follower of astrology and the energy of planetary movements, you might be wondering how this mini-moon might affect us.
Besides that the Earth is picking up a hitchhiker for a few weeks, what’s the meaning of this visiting asteroid? Let’s explore.
Mini-Moons: A Mini History
Mini-moons are small asteroids that Earth’s gravity pulls temporarily into orbit. But this isn’t our first rodeo on Earth with mini-moons.
A pesky little asteroid called NX1 joined the Earth party briefly in 1981 and again in June of 2022.2. NX1 was about the size of PT5.
Astrology’s Perspective on the Mini-Moon
Most astrologers feel that this little visitor won’t effect us at all, but we don’t really know.
Astrologers look at past events to understand the effects of the planetary movements and the events that occurred under different influences and aspects.
I did a little research and discovered that our old friend asteroid NX1 entered orbit on June 26, 2022 between Scorpio and Sagittarius.
This was around the position of the South Node at 22 degrees of Scorpio.
Roe V. Wade was overruled on June 24 of 2022. The South Node is associated with past lives and some backpedaling.
It’s also in the 5th house of children. This is pretty striking, isn’t it?
One could argue that these events could be asteroid NX1’s energetic influence in it’s conjunction with the South Node in the 5th House.
The Mini-Moon in the Constellation Draco
As of now, PT5 is in the constellation of Draco which is not a sign in Western astrological charts.3
Draco, a giant man-eating cold blooded Dragon, winds itself around the very northern part of the earth. The cold bits.
According to Astrology King, the constellation of Draco represents:
…an artistic and emotional but somber nature, a penetrating and analytical mind, much travel and many friends but danger of robbery and of accidental poisoning.
It was said by the Ancients that when a comet was here poison was scattered over the world.4
So, maybe not great news? But we’ll just have to wait and see.
The Significance of Asteroids in Astrology
A few astrologers have studied the asteroids and their meaning in our charts. The work of highly esteemed astrologer Demetra George likens the asteroids to goddesses, each representing a different feminine energy.5
Here’s a brief list of the asteroids and their energies:
- Chiron is the big daddy of asteroids, symbolizing the wounded healer. It’s where we hold our wounds from childhood, and where our greatest gifts in healing others arise.
- Ceres is tied to maternal energy and self care.
- Pallas Athena is a warrior who thinks fast.
- Juno is all about marriage, and long-term commitments.
- PT5…?
Astronomers only just discovered PT5 in August, so we haven’t had much time to study its origins or path. It won’t be here for very long, and it won’t visit again for a long time.
In short, this planetary body is so small that it’s unlikely to have any real energetic effects that we will feel down on Earth. But only time will tell.
- https://www.usatoday.com/story/graphics/2024/09/19/asteroid-mini-moon-2024-pt5/75260498007/ ↩︎
- https://www.spacereference.org/asteroid/2022-nx1 ↩︎
- https://theskylive.com/2024pt5-info ↩︎
- https://astrologyking.com/constellation-draco/ ↩︎
- https://www.amazon.com/Asteroid-Goddesses-Mythology-Psychology-Re-Emerging/dp/0892540826/ ↩︎