hitchhiking astronaut

The 12 Moon Signs in Compatibility and Relationships

Ever noticed how some relationships just click on an emotional level, while others seem a bit off? It might be your moon sign! Unlike sun signs that reveal our outer selves, moon signs unveil our inner world and emotional needs. In romantic relationships, understanding your partner’s moon sign can unlock a deeper level of mutual…

stars in the sky

Understanding Stelliums in the 12 Houses-with a Side of Han Solo

Ever stumbled upon the term “stellium” while scrolling through TikTok astrology threads? Yeah, me neither. But since you’re wondering, a stellium is a cluster of planets— three or more—in a single zodiac sign and/or astrological house. It can you all about some of your charming–and less charming–quirks. Like this guy: A stellium leads to a strong concentration…