Welcome to the Astroology!
I’m Pam – your guide, Astrologer and Astroonaut.
I’ve been a student of the stars since 2020, when things got really cray. Remember that? I needed answers, and astrology had them.
In the beginning I found astrology REALLY overwhelming. It’s an incredibly dynamic and fascinating art and science. But the answers that lay in your natal chart can be incredible and eerily accurate.
That’s why I’m here to help you discover the magic of the astrology in a totally not-complicated way.
Astrology is the study of the UNIVERSE, which is a pretty big place, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun, simple, and accessible.
I pull my hair out one strand at a time to study and understand astrology so that you can too.
Astrology can help you discover why you are the way you are, find a deeper form of self-acceptance, and discover your soul’s purpose.
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